I just came back from the contest of Grammar King

Ha ha

I do not know how good I did on it

I just know I got a dictionary for free!

And the whole process to attend this contest is costfree also!

How nice, isn't it?

I don't know if I am good at grammar, since I've been away from studying it for a while

I am just feeling so happy to get the dictionary, just as the moment I knew that I could got one!

The dictionary is an English-English one, which is published by Cambridge University Press

It's heavy and thick, though

And on the second page there is a sign-up of the chief executive Stephen Bourne

above it there is also a seal of the name of this competition

Each competer who came to the final got one

As Mr. Bourne distributed the dictionaries to each of us

he made a short conversation with everyone too

And I heard him ask a person whether he learns British or American English

When the person answered "British", he praised it out of humor

Oh, I really feel so honorable to have been there and listened to his lecture

Hoping one day I will take a tour in University of Cambridge : )

I felt so excited when I got the dictionary...
Because I wouldn't have to buy one XD

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