
Since it had been a dream for me to come back home

I should have posted this journal as soon as I arrived here


I am back!


my beloved Kinmen is sooooooooo coooooooooooooold

I can barely stand the temperature >"<

Now I am in three layers of clothes

but they seem not enough for me actually

I am still feeling cooooooooold


still I am sure I will be sad when it's time for me to leave this home

which is right on the fourth day of this return

I use English so my mom won't understand 

Ha ha ha ha

And let's see what I have done after I am back


I put my clothes into their places


I turned on my laptop and finished watching a movie

which I had not finished before I left my home in Taipei = =


it's a good movie!!!

And then I had my dinner:

my mom made some 地瓜稀飯 

which were not so sweet

but everything went well with the company of 肉鬆 XDDD

Too bad I could not have a 荷包蛋

I am so lazy that I don't want to check up these words in English :P

And then

my mom wanted to use my laptop

So I went to the piano room

and played two songs which I used to play 


it was so cold that my fingers didn't move well


I am not so proficient in playing the piano


never mind how well I played XD

Then my mom asked if my ranking of last semester had come out

(so it was my turn to use the laptop XD)

The answer was negative

Too bad :P

I finished a small game and then started reading Mythology

"attempting" (XD) to start doing my assignments 

And now I am here writing this stuff

And I've just read ... about one page of chapter 1 XDDDDDDD

So I am going back to my work :P


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